Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Exercise angle

Arnold Insight: Alternating Front DB Raise
Arnold utilized the Alternating Dumbbell Front Raise to target his front delts (shoulders). This exercise will help you gain width in your upper body and the look of power as it also incorporates your traps in the top of the exercise. Arnold performed raises from neutral position to overhead position instead of stopping when your arms are parallel to the floor.
First start off with fairly light dumbbells, -much lighter than your overhead press weights. Hold the pair at arms length in front of your thighs, then lift one weight out directly in front of you and up in an arc, keeping your arm almost straight (a slight bend is allowed in your elbow, but try to maintain the same angle throughout) until it's well above your shoulder. Lower the weight slow and controlled back to start and as you reach the halfway point in downward motion begin the lift on your otherside. When the burn starts getting intense you can switch to complete alternating reps allowing a short rest after each side before starting the next allowing you to train for a few more reps.
Learn more about "The Oak" in these awesome documentaries featuring exclusive behind the scenes footage of Arnold and Classic Top bodybuilding pro's in their element! I highly recommend watching Pumping Iron, I watched it two days ago and man it definitely displayed why Arnold is my idol and gives me goals and a target to work towards for extra motivation during extra grueling workouts.
VN:F [1.9.6_1107]

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