Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Diffrent exercises

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Push-ups are a powerful and convenient exercise that builds tremendous chest, shoulder, and tricep muscles. When doing standard push ups you are lifting 66% of your natural body weight. Push-ups done with your knees touching on the ground lifts 53% of your natural body weight. With the weighted PowerPack Gym you can add extra weight for the exercise and never outgrow the resistance level of own your body weight.

1) To do a push-up start in the "up" position with your arms extended, your fingers pointing straight ahead, your feet together and parallel, and your eyes looking forward not down at the ground.

2) When performing the reps, slow the descending motion, lowering yourself until your elbows are at 90 degree angles and with your body in a straight line from head to toe.

3) Pause, then explosively burst through the pushing up phase for the maximum benefit, again keeping the body in a straight line throughout the entire movement.

4) The proper breathing sequence is to inhale as you descend and exhale as you push back up.

Not all push-ups are created equal. Here's some variations of the traditional push-up with different stances:

1) When your arms are shoulder width apart you are targeting the pectoral, tricep, deltoid muscles

2) When your arms are wider than shoulder width you target the outer portion of the pecs as well as triceps & deltoids

3) When your arms are narrower than shoulder width you target the inner pecs that creates a look of more definition and separation between the pecs

4) Incline push-ups (upper body is elevated above the feet) by using the PowerPack Gym's hand stands targets the lower portion of the pecs, anterior delts, and triceps

5) Decline push-ups (feet elevated above your upper body) targets the upper portion of the pecs, and blasts the triceps.

Fun Facts:
The average man can do 27 push-ups

In order to graduate from West Point, the number of push-ups a Cadet must do in two minutes to pass their West Point physical fitness test is 40. If the Cadet can do 66 push-ups in 2 minutes they will receive the Army's Physical Fitness badge.

The Army Ranger physical screening test requires 80 push ups in two minutes time.


Dips are without question the most effective exercise for developing your pectoral and tricep muscle .

At the gym, dips are usually performed on a set of parallel bars. At home they can be done on the backs of two matching chairs or any two objects of similar height. If you are new to dips, you should consider starting off slowly and then gradually increasing the number of repetitions as you progress.

1) Lift yourself up on the two parallel bars by extending your arms straight up. Your body weight now rests on your hands.

2) With your elbows close to your sides, knees bent, and ankles crossed, lower yourself until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.

3) Press yourself back up. Keep your body straight and perpendicular to the floor for the most powerful tricep work. By leaning slightly forward the dip action will impact the pectoral muscles more. Do multiple repetitions.

4) The proper breathing sequence is to inhale as you descend and exhale as you push back up.

5) Keep track of the number of repetitions and sets you do. Over time the number of reps and sets should get easier for you to do. At that time increase the level of weight resistance by adding more plates to the PowerPack Gym. This will stimulate more muscle growth and build more strength than just doing additional reps without increasing the amount of resistance.


There are at least 3 powerful leg exercises that can be performed using with the PowerPack Gym and/or its component dumbbells. Choose the one that works best for you or alternate the routine by using each one periodically. Increase the weight resistance as the exercise gets easier over time.

Two Legged Squats
Doing deep knee bends (squats) while wearing the PowerPack Gym with the added weight resistance targets your quadriceps muscles. The quads are one of the larger muscle groups in the body and they are known to grow quickly with constant exercise.

1) Slowly lower the body as if about to sit in a chair. Maintain your body weight over your knees and mid-feet. Do not allow your shoulders to go forward of your knees. Your feet should be shoulder width apart or slightly wider Lower your body to a sitting position of 90 degrees of knee flex (and no more), pause, and slowly rise to return to the upright starting position.

2) For better balance while doing this exercise you can put a 1x4 block under your heels which will move your center of gravity slightly forward. You can also extend your arms out in front or even hold onto the back of a chair for balance. These will give you steady cadence so you can do as many repetitions as you possibly can. Make those quads burn!!

One Legged Squats
For a more challenging and effective leg exercise the one-legged squat using the weighted PowerPack Gym may be the ultimate in quad blasting.

1) You need to hold onto something to maintain balance.

2) Lift one foot off the ground by bending the knee back.

3) Maintain your body weight over your knee and mid-foot which will prevent unnecessary stress on the knee.

4) Do the one legged squats with the same motion as you would do two legged squats above.

Dumbbell Lunges
1) Hold a dumbbell in each hand and down by your sides. Stand upright with your feet parallel, slightly less than shoulder-width apart. Hold your head upright and look straight ahead. Keep your back straight.

2) With your right foot step forward about 2 feet and land on the ball of the foot.

3) As you plant your right foot, bend your knee to about 90 degrees and not more. Your right thigh is now parallel to the floor. Your left leg will automatically conform to the demands of that movement.

4) With you now being in a fencers lunge position, keep your weight over the back portion of your foot. Push off with the right foot and return to the upright starting position.

5) Do the same action now with the left leg. Do alternating leg reps, 10-12 reps on each side. Do 3 sets.



With the PowerPack Gym you can add weight resistance to your normal crunch routines to have far more effective ab workouts.

1) Sit down on the floor and draw your knees up towards your chest. Plant your feet together, and in parallel, with your heels planted on the floor. You may also choose to tuck your toes under a stationary object like the bed frame or the sofa bottom for better balance.

2) Rest the front side (strap side) of the PowerPack Gym on your chest. Put your arms through the straps, and then the straps up on your shoulders.

3) Keep the pack stabilized at all times during the sit-up motion by using the PowerPack Gym's side hand grips. Slightly lift the bottom of the pack off your waist line to allow a more complete range of motion. This has the added impact of raising the center of gravity of the weighted pack for a more isolated workout the abs.

4) Roll your neck forward and lift your head slightly off the floor. Look straight ahead. You are now in position to get started. Lift your entire upper body off the floor and contract your ab muscles during the lifting motion. As you lift up make sure you exhale. Inhale as you come back down to the floor.

5) The proper breathing sequence is to exhale as you lift your upper body and inhale as you descend back down. Do as many reps as possible.

Fun Fact:
To pass the US Marines physical fitness exam Marines must be able do 50 crunches in a two minute period.



What push ups are to the chest and shoulders pull ups are to the biceps and upper back. The two exercises are essentially the yin and yang of natural body weight exercises. While push-ups target your pushing muscles ie., the chest, shoulders, and triceps, pull-ups target the pulling muscles ie., the biceps and the upper back. They are perfect compliments to one another and together they build the complete upper body.

1) Grip an overhead pull-up bar with your hands shoulder width apart and your palms facing you. Keep your body steady.

2) Without rocking or swinging, pull yourself up until your chin is up over the rear side of the bar. Pause slightly.

3) Slowly lower yourself until your arms are fully extended. Come to a complete stop and then start again. Do as many reps as you can with the proper form.

4) Keep track of the number of repetitions you do. Over time the number of reps and sets should get easier to do. At that time increase the level of weight resistance by adding more plates to the PowerPack Gym. This will stimulate more muscle growth and build more strength than just doing additional reps without increasing the amount of resistance.

Various pull-up grips
Like the various stances for push up there are many variations of the grip for pull ups.

1) The standard shoulder-width grip hits all the areas.

2) A narrower grip targets the biceps more than the back. A wider grip however will target the latimus muscles right under your arms. This effect can be enhanced further by gripping the bar with the palms facing out front, and then pulling your head over the front side of the bar until the back of your neck touches the bar.

3) When you start doing 10-12 reps with, all the proper form, it's time to start adding resistance with the weighted PowerPack Gym. This will develop far greater strength and muscle tone than just doing more reps without that increased resistance.

Fun Fact:
Can you pass the Army Ranger physical screening test? As part of that screening process Ranger candidates must do a minimum of 12 pull ups, with arms fully extended and coming to a complete stop at the bottom of the motion before resuming. There is no time limit for this test.



1) Using the weighted PowerPack Gym stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart.

2) Stand on both feet if you want to work both calves simultaneously. Stand on one leg if you want to work each calf separately.

3) Rise up to the tips of your toes, pause, and then slowly lower yourself back down until your heels touch the ground. Do 20 repetitions times 3 sets.

4) For a more complete range of exercise motion it may help to place a small block under the balls of your feet and then lower the heels to the floor and back with each repetition.



The PowerPack Gym includes 2 dumbbell bars and 4 collars for a convenient, all around exercise experience. Dumbbells allow a far greater range of exercise motion than barbells or machines, and they allow you to better isolate the targeted muscle group you are working on. Dumbbell exercises therefore should be a staple of any strength training routine. Dumbbell exercises are extremely safe if you perform them correctly. Be fanatical about employing proper technique for each exercise and every repetition.



The biceps are one of the body's most prominent muscle groups, and with good curling technique you too can have bigger biceps.

1) Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart, your back straight, a dumbbell bar in each hand, your arms held steady by your sides, and the palms facing inward toward your hips.

2) Slowly raise one dumbbell bar up toward your shoulder while keeping the elbow in place by your side. As you start the lift, turn and lock your wrist so the palm is facing upward Make sure there's no arm or shoulder movement above the elbow through the entire exercise motion. This isolates the biceps muscle for maximum benefit.

3) Pause slightly at the top of the movement. It is important to keep the exercise motion slow and controlled at all times. Do not use momentum to lift the weight.

4) Slowly start lowering the weight back to the starting position. As you near the bottom of the motion turn the wrist back inward again to face your hip. To maintain the tension on the biceps do not let the arm fully extend between reps.

5 ) Now alternate to the other arm.

6 ) Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions for each arm .

7) When the dumbbells get easier to lift and you are still maintaining the proper form it may be time increase the weight.



Triceps are probably the most overlooked and forgotten of all the muscle groups. While biceps add definition to the arms it is well-rounded tricep muscles that give those arms their size. Make no mistake, if you want bigger arms work the triceps for added mass.

1) Stand or sit upright on a chair or a step with your arm bent backward at the elbow and with the dumbbell now behind your head.

2) Raise the dumbbell above your head by fully extending your arm. Your upper arm should be near your ear and the palm of your hand facing inward. If needed, use your other hand to hold the elbow of the weight bearing arm in its place during the movement.

3) Slowly let your elbow fold, lowering the dumbbell to its original starting point behind your head. Repeat 10-12 times and then switch arms.



1) Stand, or sit upright in a chair, with your feet shoulder width apart. To prevent injuries make sure your back is straight and not rounded.

2) Grab a dumbbell in each hand. Lift both dumbbells over your head simultaneously until your arms are fully extended. Do not lock your elbows or clank the weights together at the top of the movement. These actions will increase the risk of injury.

3) Lower the weight slowly by bending your arms at the elbows. Control the downward movement of the dumbbells with your shoulders. When your elbows are bent to 90 degrees and the dumbbell roughly shoulder height, pause, and then press the dumbbells back up over your head. Repeat 10-12 times times 3 sets.



1) Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. While holding a dumbbell in one hand with that palm turned toward your body, put your other arm behind your back.

2) Bend forward at the waist until your upper body is parallel to the floor. Your arm with the dumbbell hangs straight down from your shoulder.

3) Pull the weight up to the bottom of your rib cage, pause, and then slowly lower the dumbbell until your arm is fully extended again. Repeat 10-12 times and switch arms. Do 3 sets.

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